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ROWAN'S KIDS is Dedicated to The
Foster Kids of Our Community

We bring comfort and joy to those entering the foster system who need to feel protected and cared for. We do this by providing shoes and backpacks to ensure they are equally equipped with those in and out of the system, so confidence can grow. We provide tablets and laptops for schooling, so they will not be left behind. We provide cell phones to the kids of appropriate ages to allow them to communicate with family and be a part of the community around them. Additionally, we strive to offer life transition counseling to ease and comfort all new foster kids and those aging out of the system, as this can be one of the most traumatic and challenging periods of their lives.

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Help the kids with new shoes and new backpacks.


School can be a challenging and stressful time for all children, but especially new foster kids. 

Entering the foster care system can also be stressful and traumatic to any child.  Here we give new shoes and new backpacks to boost confidence when kids enter school. Kids should not have to worry about what other kids say or think when transitioning into their new homes, school and life. This is a crucial time to make them feel safe, cared about and confident in their new journey. Please help our young kids!


Tablets and laptops for learning

School is the most important accomplishment kids can make. 

We believe all kids, but especially foster kids, should be given all the tools necessary for them to succeed.  

We supply tablets and Laptops, along with cell phone to foster kids of appropriate age to allow them access to the knowledge and tools needed to succeed.  Nationwide only about 50% of the youth raised in foster care end up finishing high school and less than 3% graduate a 4 year college.  Rowans kids believes we can help more kids realize their dreams and potential.  Please donate to help a foster child succeed in school!



Life transition counseling is given to a child as they enter into the foster care system.  It is also given when the child is aging out of the foster care system and are heading out into the world on their own.  Many times, they will experience this transition without any support at all.  Foster children, who have become adults, have overwhelmingly stated that the most venerable and stressful time they had was experiencing the shock of these transitions without any guidance, instruction or support.  Many kids are “Lost to the system” at this crucial time and need to be shown that “All is not lost”.  Foster care children have a much higher percentage of homelessness, drug addiction and school dropout rates than those from non-foster care homes.  Life transition counseling can show these kids that they too can be loved, follow their dreams, succeed in school and that others like them are brave, strong and are successful happy members of the community. Help a child overcome this crucial change with your donations!

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 One act of kindness at a time

Contact Us

Phone: 1(844)769-2675 ( 1-844-RowansKids )


15466 Los Gatos Blvd, Suite 109-453, Los Gatos,CA 95032

Hours: Mon - Fri : 9am - 6pm

           Sat : 10am - 2pm

           Sun : Closed

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